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Addiction - Tips

Tips for coping with addiction

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Tip 1 - Get Treatment for Mental Illness

The abuse of substances is strongly related with mental illnesses. If you struggle with depression, anxiety, a personality disorder or another psychiatric condition, seek help instead of escaping into an addiction.

You can check the other topics on this website for tips and advice on several problems you might recognize in your life.



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Tip 2 - Change the weak spots of your day

Go through your day and write down the moments where you know you are going to be tempted. For every one of those moments, think of a change that will decrease the temptation.

For example, when you are used to have cigarette with your morning coffee, start to have breakfast with eggs and grapefruit (this doesn't taste good with cigarettes) Or when you always buy chocolate on the way home from work, change your route so that you don't pass by the patisserie anymore.



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Tip 3 - Recognize the warning signs

Recognize the warning signs of an addiction. The faster you seek help, the easier it will be to overcome it.
Signs that can indicate addiction:

- Withdrawal symptoms
- Losing control
- Changes in your diet, sleep or behavior patterns
- Abandoning activities you used to enjoy
- Negative consequences related to the substance you're (over)using.

When in doubt, connect to a therapist to see if your use has become a problem.



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Tip 4 - Don't give up

Recovering from an addiction can be a long process. It will take time. There will always be times where you fall down and have to get up again. So don't blame yourself for that or let yourself be discouraged by it, it is part of the process! Just take it as a fact and keep on going again.


Even when you take every two steps forward, one step back, you are still going forward in the right direction!



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Tip 5 - Stay in touch

When you are in an addiction, the tendency will be to withdraw. To seclude yourself from the outside world. When you want to get out of the addiction, reach out and stay in touch. This may take some effort and some courage, because you do not know how people will react. But you will find it gives you a great boost and a very welcome support in your process when you can share your experiences.



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Tip 6 - Change your social circles

Look into your social circles, with whom do you spend time? When you spend time with certain people, it will make it harder for you to step out of your old habits. Even when you like them, it might be good to say goodbye to them for a while.


Rather spend time with people that give you a positive, uplifted feeling. Change your social circles in such a way that you feel encouraged and supported.



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Tip 7 - After recovery: make it up with loved ones

During your addiction, you might have hurt people, did things you regret now or did not do things that you should have done. Once you have recovered, make up with the past, don't let that old pain linger in them or in yourself.


Make up with the people you love, apologize, do what is needed to start with a fresh, clean sheet again.



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Tip 8 - Essential to have your Partner on board

If at all possible it is essential to have your partner on board and to do the work with you. No doubt they will have suffered due to your addiction and if they dont understand addiction they may judge you instead of supporting and being part of your recovery. They may also need their own therapy.


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